STI Positive & Shame Negative
When I tested positive for herpes, I felt like I was completely alone. The stats say 1 in 6 people are affected, but I was definitely not meeting those people. So how could I find them? Love Profound was born out of a desire to create a warm & inviting space where we can talk about the things we feel we can't usually share.
For the first year and a half post diagnosis, I only told three people in my life. I felt so ashamed that I imagined how gravely disappointed my family and friends would be. I hid - detached myself from my life and carried on the charade that I was "fine."
Then I fell in love and was inspired to live my life from a place of courage, instead of fear. I shared my story with my family and was met with love, compassion, and understanding; I shared my story at a workshop and was overcome by peace, freedom, and strength; I shared my story with my Facebook community and was touched by the support, receptivity, and the amount of people who reached out to me one-on-one to share their own stories.
Now, the days I don't think about my herpes far outnumber the days that I do. I am STI positive and shame negative. My diagnosis doesn’t define me or limit my life. I don’t let it.
I share my story because:
• I wish I would have had someone to talk to who had been through it and felt stronger on the other side - someone to encourage me
• There is nothing wrong with us and I want to be a part of the movement that helps change the prevailing narrative that there is
LOve profound MEETUP
This group is for anyone struggling with the shame of a positive herpes status. If you’re looking for other human beings to communicate with about this new and unexpected experience, you’re in the right place. We meet virtually once a month, and when the weather is nice, we meet in person once a month too.
And if you’ve found the meetup beneficial and you want to help it grow, please consider donating!
NEED TO CHAT? One-on-One Calls
If you’d like someone to talk to about your status, I am happy to chat on the phone. Knowing the other person on the line has had similar experiences can sometimes make a world of difference.
For a 1-on-1, 1 hour phone call, we ask for a suggested donation of $25 - your contribution goes toward funding the Meetup, and other administrative services necessary to keep Love Profound running.
Imagine if you were given a pamphlet full of resources for support, education, and processing as soon as you tested positive. Imagine if you’d seen the faces of real people who were also positive. Let’s make that a reality for those who may just be finding out.
I wrote and designed this pamphlet (with input and approval from Dr. Barry Margulies, Professor of Molecular Virology; Terri Warren, ANP; The Black OBGYN Project; & Jessica Weems, PharmD) so that we, as a community, could reach more people when they need it most.
Here’s where you come in - we need your help to get these everywhere! Print a few and leave them at your doctor’s office or clinic (they likely already know your status).
If you’ve found sex positive resources helpful to your processing and healing journey, please pay it forward. This is a small lift with a big impact.
BE SURE TO PRINT IN COLOR - No need for people to get a sad black and white copy when they may already be feeling sad
BE SURE TO PRINT DOUBLE SIDED - Look for instructions that say, “Flip on short edge”
PRINT A TEST COPY FIRST - So you know it’ll come out properly!